Hayt 4.0.0-beta4
CQL Query Generation.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[cc.qbits/hayt "4.0.0-beta4"]
This namespace contains aliases for qbits.dsl.*, qbits.fns and qbits.utils
Public variables and functions:
- ->raw
- ?
- add-column
- allow-filtering
- alter-column
- alter-column-family
- alter-columnfamily
- alter-keyspace
- alter-table
- alter-type
- alter-user
- append
- as
- ascii->blob
- batch
- bigint->blob
- blob->ascii
- blob->bigint
- blob->boolean
- blob->counter
- blob->decimal
- blob->double
- blob->float
- blob->inet
- blob->int
- blob->text
- blob->timestamp
- blob->timeuuid
- blob->uuid
- blob->varchar
- blob->varint
- boolean->blob
- column-definitions
- columns
- contains
- contains-key
- count*
- count1
- counter
- counter->blob
- cql-fn
- cql-ns
- cql-raw
- create-index
- create-keyspace
- create-table
- create-trigger
- create-type
- create-user
- custom
- date->epoch
- date-of
- dec-by
- decimal->blob
- delete
- distinct*
- double->blob
- drop-column
- drop-columnfamily
- drop-index
- drop-keyspace
- drop-table
- drop-trigger
- drop-type
- drop-user
- float->blob
- frozen
- grant
- if-exists
- if-not-exists
- in
- inc-by
- index-name
- inet->blob
- insert
- int->blob
- limit
- list-perm
- list-type
- list-users
- logged
- map-type
- max-timeuuid
- min-timeuuid
- now
- only-if
- only-if'
- order-by
- password
- perm
- prepend
- queries
- recursive
- rename-column
- resource
- revoke
- select
- set-columns
- set-type
- superuser
- text->blob
- timestamp->blob
- timeuuid->blob
- to-date
- to-timestamp
- to-unix-timestamp
- token
- truncate
- ttl
- tuple-type
- unix-timestamp-of
- update
- use-keyspace
- user
- user-type
- using
- uuid->blob
- values
- varchar->blob
- varint->blob
- where
- where'
- where1
- with
- writetime
require/use this namespace if you want hayt to support Joda DateTime encoding when generating raw queries
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- ->raw
- contains
- contains-key
- counter
- cql-identifiers-join-comma
- cql-identifiers-join-comma+parens
- cql-identifiers-join-comma-xform
- cql-values-join-comma
- cql-values-join-comma+brackets
- cql-values-join-comma+parens
- cql-values-join-comma+square-brackets
- cql-values-join-comma-xform
- CQLEntities
- dquote-string
- emit
- emit-catch-all
- emit-query
- emit-row!
- entry-clauses
- find-entry-clause
- format-eq
- format-kv
- interpose-and
- interpose-comma
- interpose-dot
- interpose-lf
- interpose-space
- kw->c*const
- make-wrapped-string-builder
- map-cql-identifier
- map-cql-value
- operator?
- operators
- option-map
- option-value
- query-cond
- query-cond-sequential-entry
- quote-string
- sequential-or-set?
- str!
- str*
- string-builder
- string-builder+brackets
- string-builder+parens
- string-builder+square-brackets
- terminate
- udt-xform
- wrap-brackets
- wrap-parens
- wrap-sqbrackets
Public variables and functions:
- add-column
- allow-filtering
- alter-column
- alter-column-family
- alter-columnfamily
- alter-keyspace
- alter-table
- alter-type
- alter-user
- batch
- column-definitions
- columns
- counter
- create-index
- create-keyspace
- create-table
- create-trigger
- create-type
- create-user
- custom
- delete
- drop-column
- drop-columnfamily
- drop-index
- drop-keyspace
- drop-table
- drop-trigger
- drop-type
- drop-user
- grant
- if-exists
- if-not-exists
- index-name
- insert
- limit
- list-perm
- list-users
- logged
- only-if
- only-if'
- order-by
- password
- perm
- queries
- recursive
- rename-column
- resource
- revoke
- select
- set-columns
- superuser
- truncate
- update
- use-keyspace
- user
- using
- values
- where
- where'
- where1
- with
Public variables and functions:
- alter-column-family
- alter-columnfamily
- alter-keyspace
- alter-table
- alter-type
- alter-user
- batch
- create-index
- create-keyspace
- create-table
- create-trigger
- create-type
- create-user
- delete
- drop-columnfamily
- drop-index
- drop-keyspace
- drop-table
- drop-trigger
- drop-type
- drop-user
- grant
- insert
- list-perm
- list-users
- revoke
- select
- truncate
- update
- use-keyspace
Public variables and functions:
- as
- ascii->blob
- bigint->blob
- blob->ascii
- blob->bigint
- blob->boolean
- blob->counter
- blob->decimal
- blob->double
- blob->float
- blob->inet
- blob->int
- blob->text
- blob->timestamp
- blob->timeuuid
- blob->uuid
- blob->varchar
- blob->varint
- boolean->blob
- count*
- count1
- counter->blob
- cql-fn
- cql-ns
- cql-raw
- date->epoch
- date-of
- decimal->blob
- distinct*
- double->blob
- float->blob
- inet->blob
- int->blob
- max-timeuuid
- min-timeuuid
- now
- text->blob
- timestamp->blob
- timeuuid->blob
- to-date
- to-timestamp
- to-unix-timestamp
- token
- ttl
- unix-timestamp-of
- uuid->blob
- varchar->blob
- varint->blob
- writetime