




(encode-body x)


Bulk-chan takes a client, a partial request/option map, returns a map of :input-ch :output-ch. :input-ch is a channel that will accept bulk fragments to be sent (either single or collection). It then will wait (:flush-interval request-map) or (:flush-threshold request-map) and then trigger an async request with the bulk payload accumulated. Parallelism of the async requests is controllable via (:max-concurrent-requests request-map). If the number of triggered requests exceeds the capacity of the job buffer, puts! in :input-ch will block (if done with async/put! you can check the return value before overflowing the put! pending queue). Jobs results returned from the processing are a pair of job and responses map, or exception. The :output-ch will allow you to inspect [job responses] the server returned and handle potential errors/failures accordingly (retrying etc). If you close! the :input-ch it will close the underlying resources and exit cleanly (comsumming all jobs that remain in queues). By default requests are run against _bulk, but the option map is passed as is to request-chan, you can overwrite options here and provide your own url, headers and so on.


(chunks->body chunks)

Utility function to create _bulk/_msearch bodies. It takes a sequence of clj fragments and returns a newline delimited string of JSON fragments


(client)(client options)

Returns a client instance to be used to perform requests.


  • :hosts : Collection of URIs of nodes - Defaults to ["http://localhost:9200"]

  • :max-retry-timeout : Sets the maximum timeout (in milliseconds) to honour in case of multiple retries of the same request. Defaults to 30000

  • :default-headers : Sets the default request headers, which will be sent along with each request. Request-time headers will always overwrite any default headers.

  • :failure-listener : Sets the RestClient.FailureListener to be notified for each request failure

  • :request : request scoped config - extendable via the qbits.client-options/set-request-option! multimethod)

    • :authentication?
    • :circular-redirect-allowed?
    • :connect-timeout
    • :connection-request-timeout
    • :content-compression?
    • :decompression?
    • :expect-continue?
    • :local-address
    • :max-redirects
    • :proxy
    • :redirects?
    • :relative-redirects-allowed?
    • :socket-timeout
    • :target-preferred-auth-schemes
  • :http-client : http-client scoped config - extendable via the qbits.client-options/set-http-client-option! multimethod)

    • :max-conn-per-route
    • :max-conn-total
    • :proxy
    • :ssl-context
    • :user-agent
    • :auth-caching?
    • :cookie-management?
    • :basic-auth (map of :user :password)

If you need extra/custom building you can hook into the builder by extending the multimethod qbits.spandex.client-options/set-option!





(close! this)


(default-exception-handler ex)

Exception handler that will try to decode Exceptions via ExceptionDecoder/decode-exception. If after decoding we still have a throwable it will rethrow, otherwise it will pass on the value returned. You can then extend ExceptionDecoder/decode-exception to do whatever you’d like.






(decode-exception x)

Controls how to translate a client exception


(raw body)

Marks body as raw, which allows to skip JSON encoding


(request client {:keys [method url headers query-string body keywordize? exception-handler], :or {method :get, keywordize? true, exception-handler default-exception-handler}, :as request-params})


(request-async client {:keys [method url headers query-string body success error keywordize? response-consumer-factory exception-handler], :or {method :get, keywordize? true, exception-handler decode-exception}, :as request-params})

Similar to qbits.spandex/request but returns immediately and works asynchronously and triggers option :success once a results is received, or :error if it was a failure


(request-chan client {:as options, :keys [ch]})

Similar to qbits.spandex/request but runs asynchronously and returns a core.async/promise-chan that will have the result (or error) delivered upon reception


(response-ex->ex-info re)

Utility function to transform an ResponseException into an ex-info


(response-ex->response re)

Return the response-map wrapped in a ResponseException


(scroll-chan client {:as request-map, :keys [ttl ch], :or {ttl "1m"}})

Returns a core async channel. Takes the same args as qbits.spandex/request. Perform async scrolling requests for a query, request will be done as the user takes from the channel. Every take! will request/return a page from the scroll. You can specify scroll :ttl in the request map otherwise it’ll default to 1m. The chan will be closed once scroll is complete. If you must stop scrolling before that, you must async/close! manually, this will release all used resources. You can also supply a :ch key to the request map, a core.async/chan that will receive the results. This allow you to have custom buffers, or have multiple scroll-chan calls feed the same channel instance


(set-sniff-on-failure! sniffer)

Register a SniffOnFailureListener that allows to perform sniffing on failure.


(sniffer client)(sniffer client {:as options, :keys [scheme timeout], :or {scheme :http, timeout ElasticsearchHostsSniffer/DEFAULT_SNIFF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT}})

Takes a Client instance (and possible sniffer options) and returns a sniffer instance that will initially be bound to passed client. Options:

  • :sniff-interval : Sets the interval between consecutive ordinary sniff executions in milliseconds. Will be honoured when sniffOnFailure is disabled or when there are no failures between consecutive sniff executions.

  • :sniff-after-failure-delay : Sets the delay of a sniff execution scheduled after a failure (in milliseconds)

If you need extra/custom building you can hook into the builder by extending the multimethod qbits.spandex.sniffer-options/set-option!