

(require '[qbits.spandex :as s])

(def c (s/client {:hosts ["" "https://foo2:3838"]}))

;; add optional sniffer
(def s (s/sniffer c {... options ...}))

Blocking requests

(s/request c {:url "/entries/entry/_search"
              :method :get
              :body {:query {:match_all {}}}})

>> {:body {:_index "entries", :_type "entry", :_id "AVkDDJvdkd2OsNWu4oYk", :_version 1, :_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0}, :created true}, :status 201, :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Length" "141"}, :host #object[org.apache.http.HttpHost 0x62b90fad ""]}

Async requests (callbacks)

(s/request-async c {:url "/urls/url/"
                    :method :get
                    :body {:query {:match {:message "this is a test"}}}
                    :success (fn [response-as-clj] ... )
                    :error (fn [ex] :boom)})

Async requests: core.async/promise-chan

(require '[clojure.core.async :as async]) (async/<!! (s/request-chan c {:url "/urls/url/" :method :get :body {:query {:match {:message "this is a test"}}}}))


Scrolling via core.async (fully NIO internally), interuptable if you async/close! the returned chan.

  (let [ch (s/scroll-chan client {:url "/foo/_search" :body {:query {:match_all {}}}})]
    (loop []
      (when-let [page (async/<! ch)]
        (do-something-with-page page)

Simple bulk request

You can just do it this way, but bulk-chan (below) is way nicer for this.

(s/request c {:url "/_bulk"
              :method :put
              :body (s/chunks->body [{:delete {:_index "foo" :_id "1234"}}
                                     {:_index :bar}
                                     {:create {...}}])})

Bulk requests scheduling

“Faux streaming” of _bulk requests (flushes bulk request after interval or threshold, you can specify these as options). Uses request-chan internally, so it’s quite cheap.

(let [{:keys [input-ch output-ch]} (bulk-chan client {:flush-threshold 100
                                                      :flush-interval 5000
                                                      :max-concurrent-requests 3})]
  ;; happily takes a sequence of actions or single fragments
  (async/put! input-ch [{:delete {:_index "foo" :_id "1234"}} {:_index :bar} {:create {...}}])
  (async/put! input-ch {"delete" {"_index" "website" "_type" "blog" "_id" "123"}}))

;; setup an response consumer (we just want to make sure we don't clog this channel)
(future (loop [] (async/<!! (:output-ch c))))